
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ethnography Idea(s)

Idea for me:

I have never played MMORPG games like World of Warcraft or Runescape before, so I think it would be interesting to see how people, who play the game frequently, behave and to interact with them through playing the game. I like to play video games, but I have never been into computer games and never been exposed to hardcore computer gamers, so this would be something new and interesting for me to do. South Park makes World of Warcraft seem fun.

Idea for someone else:

I'm really interested in sports and play/watch them pretty often and I feel like not many computer science students are exposed to stuff like this, so it might be interesting for them to either play pick-up games, join a fantasy league, or go watch games with others. I know when my friends and I are together the main thing we talk about is fantasy football and it gets crazy with stats and analysis to where it's almost nerd-like.